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2024-25 School Supply Lists

For easy school shopping, download and print the PDF list of school supplies by grade level. If your family has any questions or concerns about school supplies, or if you are having difficulty purchasing items, please contact our school office.

Apps Used in RPS

We use a variety of mobile apps in the District. Here are the top apps you should consider downloading.

  • MealViewer: Use the MealViewer app to check out the daily breakfast and lunch menus. You can also view nutrition information and set alerts for menu items with ingredients your child is allergic to. (App Store) (Google Play)
  • My Ride K-12: Provides real-time mapping for your child’s school bus location and easy access to information like their bus number, bus stop location and bus stop time. (App Store) (Google Play)
  • ParentSquare and StudentSquare: Use these apps to stay connected to all communication from teachers, coaches, schools and the District. The ParentSquare app is for families and staff, the StudentSquare app is for students in grades 6-12. Create an account to manage your language and delivery preferences. (ParentSquare: App Store or Google Play) (StudentSquare: App Store or Google Play)
  • ParentVUE: Stay informed and connected to your child’s academic experience by accessing midterm and end-of-term grades, daily attendance and demographic information. You can also make payments for student fees through this app. (App Store) (Google Play
  • SchoolPay: Pay for school meals, athletics/activity registration fees and more. (Website).
  • Seesaw: Used primarily in our elementary schools, the Seesaw app connects you with your child's teacher and allows you to see what students are working on during the day. (App Store) (Google Play)
  • Schoology: Used primarily in our secondary schools, the Schoology app lists student assignments and grades. Starting in the fall of 2023, only midterm and end-of-term grades will be recorded in ParentVUE. All daily grades will be in Schoology and we ask that you use this tool to access and track grades. (App Store) (Google Play)

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